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dc.contributor.authorAbbas, Tahar-
dc.description.abstractn order to protect the environment especially water resources and public health, the conception of purification station in TIZI GHENIFF town (TIZI OUZOU) becomes a primordial priority in sight of pollution danger. The station will proceed with activate sludge which is more adapted with a high yield. The study is diveded on two phases :  The horizon 2031 will treat the pollution of 43071 équivalents habitants.  The horizon 2046 will treat the pollution of 43071 équivalents habitants.en_US
dc.subjectEpuration, Conception, TIizi Gheniff (commune) , Tizi Ouzouen_US
dc.titleConception de la station d'épuration de la commune de TIizi Gheniff (w. Tizi Ouzou)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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