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Title: Irrigation de la région de Bainem a partir de la station d'épuration de Beni Messous
Authors: Atrous, Atrous
Keywords: Irrigation ; Bainem ; station d'épuration ; Beni Messous
Issue Date: 2012
Series/Report no.: 2-0026-12;
Abstract: This dissertation aims of studying the reuse of the dirty water which had been cleaned in Beni Messous station. Moreover, it aims at making the dimmension of the network to distribute the water in order to irrigate Bainem’s forest and Ain Benian fields. For this reason, we have made a precise study of the quality of climate, soil and water had been made.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1806
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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