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dc.contributor.authorDjidert, Alia-
dc.description.abstractThe Algérian coast is a surface of Mitidja région that was used for agriculture since 2005, we have studied all fondamantal partes and the water transmiting chanels for field of 2888 ha, after making a study for the Eastern side of 1413.79 ha. This surface is considered of as 10% and this is due to water lack. For this reason, we have tried to renew the old chanels for devoting water through spreading the agricultural fields.en_US
dc.subjectHydro-Agricole ; Périmètre ; Sahel Algéroisen_US
dc.titleAménagement Hydro-Agricole du périmetre Sahel Algérois Ouest (w. Tipaza)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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