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Title: Dimensionnement de la conduite du transfert des eaux du barrage de Sidi M'hamed Ben Taïba pour l'irrigation du périmètre ELAmra-ELAbadia
Authors: Elottri, Rahma
Keywords: Sidi M'hamed Ben Taïba ; Irrigation ; Périmètre ; ELAmra
Issue Date: 2012
Series/Report no.: 2-0007-12;
Abstract: The agricultural field of ELAmra-ELAbadia is an old field irrigated from te he water of the Oued Cheliff that is directed from the dam of the Sidi M’hamed Ben Taïba that was brought into service in 2006 and other sources located next to it.However,the water of this dam is taken by people through pupms .Therefore, the surface of this agricultural field suffers from the lack of irrigation. In order to give a solution to this problem, the national office of the irrigation and the drainage suggested the installation of a control of adduction of the stopping until at the head of the stations of pumpings.our dissertation aims at achieving this solution.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1776
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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