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Title: Etude d'un périmètre irrigue a partir d'unpetit barrage de Harchoun moyen chellif
Authors: Medjebeur, Omar
Keywords: Périmètre irrigue ; Harchoun ; Chellif
Issue Date: 2012
Series/Report no.: 2-0002-12;
Abstract: Our study is included in the actual policy of the irrigated areas management. This modest study aims-in one hand to reach a high investment yield and showing a letter efficiency of the irrigation system. On the other hand, the study aims at achieving a better management and potentialities preservation conserving water res our us and type of ground. However, this aim can be achieved only by using modern irrigation systems that proved reliability. Among these system, we mention the distillation and aspersion irrigation that are considered as the most developed systems thanks to the evolution of science and technology. This study seeks also identifying the agricultural fields of HARCHOUN region in Chlef and provides them with the needed water after tracing some designs for storage and distribution. More ever, this attempt would allow to build a pumping station that pumps water from the dam itself. This establishment would give the opportunity to design water distribution net work within the agricultural fields of this region. It is very Important to mention also that the HARCHOUN is the only available resource in the region.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1754
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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