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dc.contributor.authorCherif, Zakaria-
dc.description.abstractThis study aims at revealing the importance of irrigation in developing and increasing agriculture. In the semi-arid or arid zones where precipitations is insufficient and irregular what implies the introduction of new techniques of irrigation of aspiration by center pivot to control the quantity of water to be used in the irrigation and to thus limit the rate of loss by evaporation as well as percolation. In the end, we advise farmers to use this new method of irrigation in order to achieve a maximum exploitation of agricultural areas with the same quantity of water used in traditional ways of irrigation (the line, streaming…)en_US
dc.subjectRéseau d'irrigation ; Périmètre ; Oued Soufen_US
dc.titleDimensionnement du réseau d'irrigation du périmetre Oued Souf d'une superficie de 50 HA a partir d'une Batterie de Foragesen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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