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Title: Irrigation du périmètre de Hamama a partir de la retenue collinaire de oued Hamama (w. Chlef)
Authors: Fellague, Chebra ilyas
Keywords: Irrigation ; Périmètre ; Hamama
Issue Date: 2013
Series/Report no.: 2-0022-13;
Abstract: This thesis is about a general study (weather, soil, water...) on an agricultural zone called HAMAMA in Béni rached-Chlef. The aim of this project is to study and design the irrigation network of one piece divided into two parts, one for the rotation and the other for arboriculture. To this end we have to determine the evapotranspiration, then the requirements of water supply for irrigation for each part of the piece. Our study aims to make it waters pumping from the dam easy, and its distribution to the reservoir, After studying water distribution methods, we found that the most useful, modern and economic methods is the localize irrigation. It is also suitable for area which is characterized by the lack of water, the quality of its plants (trees) as well as the nature of the land.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1720
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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