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dc.contributor.authorBen Hanine, Salem-
dc.description.abstractIn our dissertation, we have made a general survey (climate, soil and water) on the region where we must achieve our project. This dissertation ains at studying and following exploitation of irrigated perimeters, situated in the Hassi Ben Abdallah of wilaya of Ouargla, while using the techniques of turn, to reach a good output. By adoption of the best arithmetic techniques of the needs in water, to protect the agricultural fields with low costs.en_US
dc.subjectIrrigation ; périmètre ; Hassi Ben Abdellahen_US
dc.titleIrrigation du périmètre de Hassi Ben Abdellah à partir d'un forage (w. Ouargla)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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