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Title: Etude d'exploitation des eaux usés épurées pour l'irrigation à partir de la STEP d'Ain el Turck (w. d'Oran)
Authors: Beldjilali, Mohamed
Keywords: Eaux usés épurées ; Irrigation ; STEP ; Ain El Turck
Issue Date: 2013
Series/Report no.: 2-0011-13;
Abstract: In our dissertation, we have studied the way of providing the agricultural to fields. In the region of AIN EL TURCK (W .ORAN) with water starting with the cleansing station. Therefore, we studied the characteristics of this region on in general including the climate Or the types of grounds and the kinds of water.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1700
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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