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dc.contributor.authorAggoun, Charaf Eddine-
dc.description.abstractWe will size the irrigation of farmland SIDI HAMADI network in the municipality of El Ançor Oran. The purpose of my dissertation is a part of the current policy on the conduct of irrigated areas, wich aims to increase the profitability of farming, and know using the best techniques and irrigation more efficient management of water resources. And i twill come by the adaptation of modern irrigation systems and imposed their effectiveness, for example: drip irrigation, more efficiency last time because of scientific and technological progress and one that characterizes this system is achieve considerable water savings.en_US
dc.subjectRéseau d'irrigation ; Sidi Hamadi ; Retenue collinaireen_US
dc.titleDimensionnement du réseau d'irrigation des terres agricoles de Sidi Hamadi a partir d'une retenue collinaire wilaya d'Oranen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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