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Title: Aménagement des centres urbains d'Essarouel et oued Ennil commune d'El Bouni (w. Annaba)
Authors: Ezzouaoui, Khadidja
Keywords: Flood, Valleys, Hydrological study, Flood flows, Urban context.
Inondation, Cours d’eau, Aménager, Fortes pluies, Etude hydrologique, Débits de crue, Contexte urbain
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: This work aims at conducting a study on the valleys of 'Oued Ennil and Essarouel’ located in El Bouni town in Annaba. The main objective of this study is to protect this river against floods. Our research is subdivided into several basic parts. First, a presentation of the study area has been detailed. Then, we have presented the hydrologic study in order to determine the flow of risings. Next, we have diagnosed the anomalies and the constraints imposed on the site, with the aim of selecting the best alternatives. After that, we have passed to the part which consists of the realization of our project with its principal work and appendices. Finally, we have determined the cost of this project.
Description: MFE
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1668
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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