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dc.contributor.authorKermas, Hadjer-
dc.description.abstractThe major industrial development and population in the plain of Mascara has resulted in an increase in emissions leading to a degradation of the environment and the quality of surface and groundwater .For this,our study focused on the possibility and the ability to use the watertreatmentstationofMascara in the agricultural field. This requires to search for various characteristics of the region in terms of climate, as well as the characteristics of wastewater with a comprehensive description of water purification plant for Mascara.en_US
dc.subjectEaux usées , Périmètre , El Kouayeren_US
dc.titleLa réutilisation des eaux usées pour irriguer le périmètre d'El Kouayer (w. Mascara)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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