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dc.contributor.authorAgred, Ahmed-
dc.description.abstractOur project is to create an irrigated area of a proposed 3959 ha that area situated in the town of Ben azzouz, Bekouch lakhdar, Ain Cherchar and Djendal Saadi Mohammed, (W.SKIKDA). Through a specification of the region, we will conduct a land survey and hydrological study and analysis of soil resources and water, in order to determine the water needs of different cultures; eventually we will calculate the specific discharge that will be the key parameter in the hydraulic design. Knowing the area of different surfaces through hydraulic formulas and Epanet software we sized distribution network (branched network) and at the end we choose a block to the design calculations of the drip irrigation system.en_US
dc.subjectIrrigation , Périmètre , Zit-Emba , Ben Azzouzen_US
dc.titleL'irrigation du perimetre de zit-emba (Zone Nord) daïra de Ben Azzouz à partir du barrage de Zit-Emba (w. Skikda)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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