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Title: Conception du réseau d'assainissement du chef-lieu de la commune d'El-Flaye (w. Béjaia)
Authors: Boucheham, Mohamed Roustem
Keywords: Assainissement, Réseau, El-Flaye, Béjaia
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: This dissertation consists in designing a sewerage system in the horizon of 30 years from 2019 for Leflaye’s (Bejaia) municipality. The general aim of the project is to ameliorate and upgrade the environment health situation for the well-being of the inhabitants In order to accomplish this, the project has adopted a hydrological study, which gives an intensity of 133.13 l/s/ ha. The study area has steep and sharp slopes, mostly ranging from 15 to 30% favoring a rapid flow of water; this latter is quieted by the projection of falls drop shafts and the usage of special reinforced concrete pipes labeled: type 2, which supports and upholds high speeds. Furthermore, we have a low zone, which requires pumping along 1878.5 m with an Hmt of 18.13 m to transport the effluents towards the purification treatment.
Description: MFE
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1639
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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