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dc.contributor.authorAbbou, Ikram Malak-
dc.description.abstractThe old dilapidated sanitation network in the town of Sour (wilaya of Mostaganem) is no longer sufficient to do its role of collecting and evacuating wastewater and rainwater outside the city. A new network design is desired. First, a diagnosis of the current state of network elements (sewers and pipes), was conducted, which has made it possible to detect some anomalies. The dilapidated nature of the network combined with the narrowness of some pipes leads to problems with the flow of wastewater causing them to overflow and therefore the risk of flooding. The sizing of a network for the extension of Sour is proposed with a junction on the main collector of the old networken_US
dc.subjectAssainissement, Conception, Sour (commune), Mostaganemen_US
dc.titleConception du réseau d'assainissement de la commune de Sour (w. Mostaganem).en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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