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dc.contributor.authorMerah, Lynda-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the present work is to study a system of protection of the city of Ammi Moussa (W. Relizane) and its population against the overflow of Oued Rhiou, which causes significant material damage to the tens of hectares of market gardening crops. Faced with this situation, it becomes necessary to propose an effective planning system. In this context, several axes are developed. First, a geomorphologic and climatic study of the study area, followed by a hydrological study to determine the flow of flood, then the hydraulic simulation of the water course using a combination of features between AutoCad Civil 3D and HEC-RAS software. Finally, our work ends with a description of the proposed layout variants to be able to choose the most suitable variant from a technical and economic point of view.en_US
dc.subjectHazard, Precipitation, Downpour, Overflow, Hydrological Study, Protection, Hydraulic Modeling.en_US
dc.subjectAléa, Précipitation, Averse, Débordement, Etude Hydrologique, Protection, Modélisation Hydrauliqueen_US
dc.titleProtection contre les inondations du chef-lieu de la commune de Ammi Moussa (w. Relizane)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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