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dc.contributor.authorBoumedjane, Sabrine-
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this work is the design of the sanitation system for zone A and B of the new city DRAA ERRICH Wilaya of Annaba . The two main objectives of this study are to ensure the collection and channeling of rainwater to an outlet (wadi, lake) and ensuring the right treatment of wastewater before it is discharged into the natural environment. In order to achieve these goals, we begun with an estimation of the waste and rainwater flows, we chose a separation system to guarantee the correct functioning of our treatment plant, which was conceived and dimensioned afterwards, finally we concluded our work with a quantitative estimation of the total cost of the project.en_US
dc.subjectNew city DRAA ERRICH, Water sanitation network, Wastewater, Rainwater, Treatment plant.en_US
dc.subjectNouvelle ville Draa Errich, Réseau d’assainissement, Eaux pluviales, Eaux usées,Epuration.en_US
dc.titleConception du système d'assainissement de la nouvelle ville Draa Errich (w. Annaba)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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