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dc.contributor.authorKhelalfa, Abdelouahab-
dc.description.abstractAlgeria is frequently exposed to significant rainfall events that can generate floods causing serious damages on many levels. The main objective of this study is protecting the western region of Staoueli "S. Algiers" from flooding, by identifying the high-risk zones following the overflows of the three rivers crossing the town “Palm Beach, Bridja and Gergoure “ As part of this study, we have elaborated a hydrological model for the different watersheds using the US Corps of engineers HEC-HMS model, followed by a hydrodynamic simulation using the HEC-RAS software, and the creation of a floodplain map of the Staoueli region. According to a technical-economic and ecological study, a mixed variant based on Gabions and naturel earth canal was proposed, as well as their financial estimates and the organization of the worksite.en_US
dc.subjectFloods, hydrological model, Hydrodynamic simulation, floodplain mapen_US
dc.subjectLes inondations,Etude hydrologique , Simulation Hydrodynamique, carte des zones inondablesen_US
dc.titleAménagement des Oueds Bridja, Guerguour et Palm beach pour la protection de la Zone Ouest de la commune de Staoueli contre les inondations (w. Algeren_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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