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Title: Diagnostic et réhabilitation du réseau d'assainissement de la zone urbaine les plateaux commune Arzew (w. Oran)
Authors: Chattout, Kawther
Keywords: Sanitation system, Diagnostic process, Network, Rainwater.
Horizon, Système d’assainissement, Réseau pluvial, Réseau des eaux usées.
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: This study consists in identifying the anomalies in the area of the Arzew Plateau in terms of sanitation system, where in the deterioration of the current network is due to its obsolescence and the lack of self-cleaning completely. So that we conducted the diagnostic process by means of reconfiguring and expanding the disinfection network. The aim of our work is to find a solution to ensure that all sewage and rainwater in the area aire discharged by 2050, while improving maintenance technology and ensuring good management to protect the network in the long term.
Description: MFE
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1616
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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