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Title: Formulation d’aliments de complément à partir du soja et de deux écotypes de fonio
Authors: BALLOGOU, Vénérande Y.
Keywords: Fonio ; Soya ; Complementary food ; Formulation ; Physico-chemical characteristic
Issue Date: 2019
Series/Report no.: P19-25;
Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate nutritional qualities of complementary foods formulated from soyabean and two fonio landraces. Pédai and Namba fonio landraces have been chosen and associated to soyabean (Jupiter variety) for production of eight complementary flours with varied proportions of fonio (Pédai or Namba) and soyabean. Physico-chemical characteristics of the different flours were determined. Thus, the highest flour percentage is obtained with sieves 180 μm for the most of formulated complementary foods and colors varied according to added soya quantities. The results also showed significant differences (p≤0.05) in nutritional composition of the formulated flours. The lowest energy densities and protein, lipid and ash contents were obtained with flours having 90% of fonio and 10% of soyabean while the highest values were obtained with flours containing 60% of fonio and 40% of soyabean for the two landraces.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1612
Appears in Collections:Publications électroniques

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