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Title: Trend analysis of the year-to-year rainfall variability under a Mediterranean climate in southern Italy.
Authors: Ouafik, Boulariah
Longobardi, Antonia
Villani, Paolo
Keywords: Rainfall variability ; Mediterranean ; Climate in southern ; Italy
Issue Date: 2019
Series/Report no.: P19-09;
Abstract: Trend analysis of the year -to -year rainfall variability under a Mediterranean climate in southern Italy. IRIS UNISA preprod by CINECA IRIS IRIS Home Sfoglia Macrotipologie & tipologie Autore Titolo Riviste Serie IT Italiano Italiano English English LOGIN 1.IRIS 2.Catalogo Prodotti Ricerca 3.1 Contributo su Rivista 4.1.5 Abstract su Rivista Trend analysis of the year -to -year rainfall variability under a Mediterranean climate in southern Italy. Ouafik Boulariah Writing – Original Draft Preparation ;Antonia Longobardi Supervision ;Paolo Villani Supervision 2019-01-01 Scheda breve Scheda completa Scheda completa (DC) Appare nelle tipologie: 1.5 Abstract su Rivista File in questo prodotto: Non ci sono file associati a questo prodotto. I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1596
Appears in Collections:Publications électroniques

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