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dc.contributor.authorHendi, Mehdiya-
dc.description.abstractThe municipality of LARHAT is currently suffering from an old sewerage system, dating from the colonial era and which can no longer meet the needs and the technical standards (both current and future) of the city. This is mainly due to illicit connections, leaks and direct wastewater discharge in the environment, which requires a pipeline expansion to the extension areas. This dissertation aims to study the renovation of the existing sanitation system with a new separating system that would allow directing wastewater to a treatment plant and collecting part of the storm water in a retention basin for irrigation.en_US
dc.subjectThe municipality of LARHAT, Aseparating system, Aseparating pipeline, Storm water, Wastewater.en_US
dc.subjectVille de Larhat, Système d’assainissement,Réseau séparatif, Eaux pluviale, Eaux uséesen_US
dc.titleEtude du reseau d'assainissement de la ville de Larhat (w.Tipaza)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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