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dc.contributor.authorMahieddine, Khadidja-
dc.description.abstractThe Algerian coasts are facing the problem of pollution resulting from uncontrolled and irrational discharges represented in emptying the sewage networks directly and without undergoing treatment in seawater, which forced the Ministry of Environment to develop a strategy to reduce this problem.This study aims to desing the urban sewage network for this purpose. It is suggested that the liquid wastes be discharged in an appropriate manner towards the disposal points and treated in order to preserve the environment.en_US
dc.subjectAssainissement, Réseau, Sidi Abderrahmane, Chlefen_US
dc.titleConception du réseau d'assainissement de la commune de Sidi Abderrahmane (w.Chlef)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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