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dc.contributor.authorMoudjari, Nasreddine-
dc.description.abstractCurrent hydrous resources of Meskiana plain are relatively limited. In recent years a high level of water demand was felt due to remarquable increase in water use for agriculture. The aim of this research project is the projection of a water adduction and distribution network, for the irrigated perimeter of the valley of AID using the water resource coming from the mobilisation of water at the level of the dam of GOURIGUEURen_US
dc.subjectPérimètre, irrigation , retenue collinaire , Gourigueuren_US
dc.titleEtude de périmètre d'irrigation a l'aval de la retenue collinaire de Gourigueur sur l'oued Aid commune de Meskiana 109 ha (w. Oum el Bouaghi )en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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