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dc.contributor.authorBoubekeur, Sami-
dc.description.abstractThrough this work,we made a general studyabout both soil and climate properties inthe areaof EL Outaya city of Biskra; where we carry out our project.This study aims at revealing the importance of irrigation in developing and increasingagricultureinthearidzoneswhereprecipitationisinsufficient andirregularwhichimpliestheintroductionofnewtechniquesofirrigationsuch asdropby drop tocontrolthequantity ofwaterusedinirrigationand also tolimittherateofloss byevaporationaswellaspercolation.Intheend,weadvisefarmerstousethisnew method of irrigationin order to achieve a maximumexploitation of agriculturalareaswith thesamequantityofwaterused in traditionalways of irrigation (theline, streaming…)en_US
dc.subjectPérimètre, irrigation , Lahzima , L'outayaen_US
dc.titleEtude de périmètre d'irrigation Lahzima commune de L'outaya (w. Biskra) à partir du barrage de fontaines des gazelles superficie de 288 haen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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