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Title: Etude d'extension du périmètre d'irrigation de Bir Bouhouche sur une superficie de 562 ha (w. Souk Ahras)
Authors: Louda, Idir
Keywords: Périmètre, irrigation, Bir Bouhouche
Issue Date: 2015
Series/Report no.: 2-0003-15;
Abstract: View the food deficit that know the region of our study and the agricultural potential which it characterizes so we propose that it Rectify. As part of the development operation of hydro-agricultural perimeter in the wilaya of Souk Ahras. We studied the extension of the irrigation area Bir BOUHOUCHE which is irrigated from three nozzles made on a pipe that feeds the perimeter of Ksar Sbahi .the perimeter is studying an area of 562 hectares for the cultivation of cereals, market garden crops and arboriculture.ces were chosen in relation to the soil characteristics and different agronomic parameters, the objective is to increase agricultural productivity through the use of better irrigation systems, and better management of water resources and that by the adoption of modern irrigation systems that have imposed their reliability, namely: localized irrigation or sprinkling. These systems have many advantages, such as efficiency of the water and obtaining high yields.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1487
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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