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dc.contributor.authorBougamouza, Adel-
dc.description.abstractThe extent of erosion and sediment transport in watersheds of semi-arid areas has attracted the interest of a large number of researchers. Among these watersheds “Oued El Abiod” which suffers a great problem because of siltation; To remedy this problem, the control of solid transport and sedimentary dynamics becomes a necessary step. Our contribution in this vast field by the exploitation of scientific methods optimized by artificial intelligence. In this context, we will try to show from data measured, the relationship between liquid and solid flows, but also between liquid flows and concentrations. After analyzing all the results obtained, it can be concluded that the artificial intelligence models are adequate for solid transport modeling and give good performance for different time scales.en_US
dc.subjectBassin versant. Intelligence artificielle. Débit liquide. Débit solide. Concentration. SWAT. Transport solide. Oued El Abiod. Algérie.en_US
dc.subjectWatershed. Artificial intelligence. Liquid flow. Solid flow. Concentration. SWAT. Sediment. Transport. Oued El Abiod. Algeria.en_US
dc.titleModélisation du transport solide couplée avec des modèles hydrologiques Application au bassin versant à l'amont du barrage de Foum El Gherza.en_US
Appears in Collections:Hydraulique

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