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dc.contributor.authorAkeb, Shahrazed-
dc.description.abstractThis study, show us that irrigation is necessary to develop agriculture because in the semi-arid area rainfall is insufficient and erratic. To cure this worrying situation, the sources of water used in irrigation of our perimeter ROUICHE are drawn from wells and boreholes. This implies the introduction of new irrigation techniques such as drip irrigation, to control the amount of water used and to optimize the use of water by the plant and limit percolation losses and evaporation.en_US
dc.subjectRéseau, irrigation , périmètre , Rouicheen_US
dc.titleEtude de dimensionnement du réseau d'irrigation périmètre Rouiche(210.5 ha) à partir des forages (w. El Bayadh)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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