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dc.contributor.authorTouat, Lamine-
dc.description.abstractMitidja center has an agricultural land with an area of about 17,000 hectares, which is characterized by a high fertility, but these potentials are not exploited because of the lack of water resources which are essentially based on groundwater. For this purpose the memory of my final thesis is the design of the transfer canalization of oued el HARRACH waters to the dam of Douéra is to supply and ensure irrigation water needs of the agricultural area of Mitidja center to improve performance and conserve groundwater.en_US
dc.subjectTransfert du barrage , Douera po, irrigation, perimetre, Mitidjaen_US
dc.titleEtude du transfert du barrage de Douera pour l'irrigation du perimetre Mitidja centre (w. Alger-Blida)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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