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dc.contributor.authorLemani, Amine-
dc.description.abstractIn this project we study and follow-up the exploitation of irrigated area located in Collo (w. Skikda), knowing that the main supplier of water is Beni-Zid dam. Through this work we conducted a general study of the various properties of the region in terms of climate and in terms of characteristics relating to the quality of soil and water.In order to access the payoff significant in the production we used modern irrigation technics such as irrigation drip systems for an economical use of water. We use the best methods to calculate the needs plantings of water in order to optimally exploit water and get a good product on quality and quantity.en_US
dc.subjectIrrigation, Beni Zid, périmètreen_US
dc.titleDimensionnement du réseau d'irrigation du périmètre Beni Zid (secteur 05) d'une surface de 233 HA à partir du barrage de Beni Zid (w. Skikda)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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