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Title: Aménagement de l'Oued Beni Slimane pour la protection contre les inondations dans la commune de Béni Slimane (w. Médéa)
Authors: Kraria, Afaf
Keywords: Flood, overflow, layout, river, protection, Beni Slimane.
Issue Date: 2021
Series/Report no.: 4-0020-21;
Abstract: This study aims to protect Beni Slimane district (W. Medea) crossed by waters streams against the floodshat occurs due to heavy rainfull causing material dommages (urban runoff, overflowing, the dig of roads and deterioration of the infrastructurs). In the first part, we made a detailed acknowledgment of the area. In the second part, we have to made a through study of the hydrogical study by daily rainfull and flow estimates to get an idea about the influence of the basin and the determination of the flood. Finally, we proceeded to diagnosis is to identify anomalies, such as the screening of alternatives for the design of our hydraulic sturcture design of a river Beni Slimane. And we made a quantitative estimate of our financial and project At the end of this work we have produced a feasible project that is most suitable to ensure the protection of the municipality of Beni Slimane.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1417
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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