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dc.contributor.authorKadi, Latifa-
dc.description.abstractThe bibliography shows that the water hammer, extreme phase on transient flow, occurs in two forms: increasing and decreasing which are harmful to the good behaviour of pipes. This phase arises when the conditions of steady flow are perturbed by maneuvers that can be accidental or quite normal such as shutting down a pump, closing or opening a valve. Is then produced large variations in pressure and velocity which can cause implosion or bursting of free and buried pipes. To minimize the negative consequences, our study aims to use the method of characteristics to model in an optimal way the water hammer and deduct accordingly an operation law responding to this optimization. Our reasoning will be developed considering the case of free and buried pipes where an application for comparison will be made for three pipe materials: steel, PVC and HDPE.en_US
dc.subjectCoup de bélier. Etude. Comparaison . Acier. PVC. PEHD.en_US
dc.subjectWater hammer. Study. Comparison . Steel. PVC. HDPE.en_US
dc.titleEffet du sol sur les lois de manœuvre des robinets-vannes en coup de bélier parfait.en_US
Appears in Collections:Génie de l'eau

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