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dc.contributor.authorSaidi, Hayet-
dc.description.abstractSince the 19 th. century, a certain planetary rise in temperature has been remarked. exceptional rise has a direct relationship with the emission of gas as green house effect. This phenomenon can produce a significant impact on the hydraulogical comport of the water flow, and this what we are going to study through this work. There is a very great number of hydraulogical models of the rain transformation into flow, in our work we used a conceptual model of “rural engineering” (RG) family named GR2M, which functions with two parameters of calibration and a step of monthly time, it gives us satisfied results related to the calibration as well as validation, which motivates us to use for studying and analyzing the hydrological comport of our basin in the future and this thanks to the meteorological predictions( precipitation, temperature). Our work represents an alert means to take the necessary precautions inorder to face the climatic changes as well as the adaptation measures.en_US
dc.subjectRéchauffement planétaire. Modèles hydrologiques. GR2M. Transformation. Pluie débit. Prévisions. Météorologique. Gaz à effet de serre. Oued Mina. Relizane. Algérie.en_US
dc.subjectPlanetary rise. Hydraulogical Models. GR2M. Rain transformation into Flow. Meteorological predictions. Gas as Green house effect. Oued Mina. Relizane. Algeriaen_US
dc.titleImpact des changements climatiques sur régime des cours d'eau cas de l'Oued Mina (w. Relizane)en_US
Appears in Collections:Génie de l'eau

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