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dc.contributor.authorDrai, Amira-
dc.description.abstractWater desalination has been widely adopted as an effective solution to the serious water shortages that are plaguing Algeria. However, this approach has several major drawbacks, most notably the production of brine, a saline solution exceeding even the salinity of seawater, with a negative impact on the marine environment. This underlines the imperative need to properly manage and valorize the brine. In this context, our study aims to explore various brine management methods in the El Marsa desalination plant with a capacity of 60000đť‘š3/đť‘ , and a brine discharge amounting to 73333đť‘š3/đť‘  with a conversion rate of 45%-55%. We focused on dilution as the least costly approach compared to other existing techniques. As part of our thesis, we explored two variants of this approach. The first involves the design of a free-surface channel, while the second involves the sizing of a dilution basin with an integrated hydraulic system for efficient brine mixing. Both variants are accompanied by a pumping system to ensure practical and efficient implementationen_US
dc.subjectDesalination, Brine, El Marsa, Dilution.en_US
dc.titleConception d'un ouvrage de dilution des rejets de saumure des usines de dessalement d'eau de mer cas d'El Marsa Algeren_US
Appears in Collections:RĂ©utilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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