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dc.contributor.authorNaib, Djamila-
dc.description.abstractUsually in Algeria, for the design of dams, gravity type, deterministic calculation is justified in only one format. The latter, although insufficient, has the advantage of be easily implemented. Indeed, it does not take into account the dispersion of each of the parameters involved in the calculation, which may lead to oversizing. It proves une conomical in terms of structuredesign that does not reflect the reality of an efficient and adequate calculation of such structure. Our work aims to develop in the first semi probabilistic method and then a comparative study of three approaches namely deterministic, probabilistic and semi probabilistic. This work was extended to study the influence of some parameters on the stability and the state of stress of gravity dams. Practical case studies on six dams (Oued Fodda, Boussiaba, Koudiat Acerdoune, Beni Haroun, Hamiz and Cheurfa II) were considered namely digital application CADAM software.en_US
dc.subjectBarrage poids. Semi. Pobabiliste. CADAM. EUROCODE. Déterministe. Probabiliste. Coefficient partiel. Coefficient modèle. Stabilité. Contrainte.en_US
dc.subjectGravity dam. Semi. Probabilistic. CADAM. Eurocodes. Deterministic. Probabilistic. Partial factor. Factor model. Stability. Stress.en_US
dc.titleContribution à l'étude de stabilité des barrages poids par une approche semi -probabiliste aux états limites.en_US
Appears in Collections:Génie de l'eau

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