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dc.contributor.authorAbdi, Ishak-
dc.description.abstractThe hydrological modeling became a major way for the decision-making support regarding good resource management in waters in particular in the presence of scenario of climate change and nightmare scenario. There are numerous ways such as: the physical stochastic modeling, the abstract modeling and the modeling. To realize a good modeling, series of data observed of rains and flows are necessary. ATHYS gathers in a friendly and homogeneous environment a set of hydrological spatial models, associated to hydro-climatic and geographical data processing: (Christophe Bouvier HSM Montpellier). This software lends itself to diverse applications. it was developed in the IRD for diverse applications: resource management in water, forecasts of the extreme events, the environmental studies bound to anthropological or climatic modifications. In this work ATHYS is applied for the forecast of the extreme events in two watersheds from the east of Algeria; watershed of Bouhamdene wilaya of Guelma and the watershed of Kissir wilaya of Jijel. ATHYS being the spatial modeling of the relation rainfall flow, thus we apply an outfit of distributed models and to support we results we compared the results obtained with results stemming from a Global model, to confirm or not the performance of the distributed models.en_US
dc.subjectEvènements extrêmes. Modèle pluie débit. ATHYS. Bassin versant. Spatialisé. Prévision. Global. Distribué.en_US
dc.subjectExtreme events. Model rainfall flow. ATHYS. Watershed. Spatial. Forecast. Global. Distributed.en_US
dc.titlePrévision des évènements extrêmes dans deux bassins versants de l’Est de l’Algérie.en_US
Appears in Collections:Génie de l'eau

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