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- Temperature ; Agricultural drought ; Climate change 1
- Temperature ; Autocorrelation ; Modified Mann-Kendall tests ; TFPW-cu ; Climate indices ; Algeria 1
- Temperature, Rainfall, Discharge, Wadi Mina, Algeria, Kruskal- Wallis, Trend, Mann-Kendall 1
- Temporal variability ; spatial ; Lower Cheliff (Algeria) 1
- Tertiary treatment ; Sand filter ; Water reuse ; Wastewater treatment plant ; Water quality. 1
- Télédétection. Occupation du sol. ENVI. Traitement d’image. Classification. Mitidja. Algérie. 1
- The aquifer. Water resources. Oued El Harrach. Hammam Melouane. Mitidja. Algeria. 1
- The EL MERDJ and LAARBAA centers, water supply system, and the storage structure, water distribution network. 1
- The influence ; Hole networks ; Adsorption-induced frequency ; Nanobeam using Non-local elasticity theory 1
- The municipality of LARHAT, Aseparating system, Aseparating pipeline, Storm water, Wastewater. 1
- The spatio-temporal variability ; agriculture and wetlands ; Temporal varility factors 1
- The UNESCO FRIEND ; Water program ; Transfers knowledge ; Innovation ; Hydrology ; Hydrological Program (IHP) 1
- The western ; Mediterranean ; The tsunami hazard on the Algerian 1
- THENIET EL HAD,Sewerage network, , Connection , Pressure pipelines 1
- Thermal desalination. Solar distillation. MSF distillation. Solar energy. 1
- Tichy-Haf dam, Flood routing, Design flow, Labyrinth spillway, Tubular spillway, Techno-economic study, Durability 1
- Tindouf ; Brackish water ; Demineralization ; Reverse osmosis 1
- Tipaza ; station d'épuration ; Hadjout 1
- Tomatoes, Mulching, Soil moisture, Infiltration, Soil electrical conductivity 1
- Traitement des eaux usées, Oxydation alternée, Réutilisation, Conformité environnementale 1